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The Power of Observation in Negotiation: A Colourful Approach to Note-Taking

observation techniques tip Jun 19, 2024
Negotiation techniques that improve negotiation outcomes by boosting negotiation observation skills using coloured pens

In the art of negotiation, observation is a cornerstone of success.

Whether you're sitting across the table from a potential client, hashing out a deal with a business partner, or resolving a dispute, the ability to keenly observe and accurately record what transpires is critical. Good observation skills allow you to understand not only the words being said but also the nuances of body language, tone, and reactions.

One of the most effective ways to enhance your observational skills during a negotiation is through meticulous note-taking. Detailed notes ensure that you capture every important detail, which can be referred to later when analysing the negotiation or preparing for the next round of discussions. But beyond just writing down what is said, how can you make your notes even more valuable?

Negotiation Tip: Using Coloured Pens for Different Parties

During a recent training session, a participant shared an ingenious tip that revolutionised their note-taking process: using different coloured pens to represent each party in the negotiation. This simple yet powerful technique allows for easy visualisation of who is saying what and how each party is reacting. Imagine having a set of notes where each party's contributions are immediately distinguishable at a glance – it’s like having a visual map of the conversation.

How it works:

- Choose a different colour for each party:

For example, use blue for yourself, red for Party A, green for Party B, and so on.

- Stick to the colours consistently:

This helps in building a mental association with each party, making it easier to track the conversation flow.

- Note reactions and body language in the same colours:

If Party A frowns or leans back during a statement, jot it down in red. This adds another layer of depth to your notes.

Why This Method is So Effective

1. Clarity:

Differentiating speakers and their reactions at a glance helps in quick reviews and understanding the dynamics of the conversation.

2. Focus:

The process of switching pens keeps you actively engaged and focused on the negotiation.

3. Memory Aid:

Visual learners often find that colour-coding helps with retaining information better.

4. Detailed Analysis:

When reviewing your notes, the colours help you identify patterns and trends in behaviours and responses that might not be obvious in monochrome text.

Negotiation Practice Makes Perfect

Of course, this method requires practice. Initially, it might slow you down as you adapt to switching pens and maintaining colour consistency. However, once you get the hang of it, you'll find that it enhances your note-taking efficiency and effectiveness.

Join The Negotiation Club

Want to practice this method in a safe, supportive environment?

Join The Negotiation Club!

As a Club member, you can attend regular practice meetings where a great community of people, ranging from beginners to experienced negotiators, come together to put theory into practice. It's the perfect place to hone your skills, get feedback, and learn from others.

Try out the coloured pen technique at our next meeting and see how it transforms your negotiation skills.

The Negotiation Club is your space to grow, learn, and succeed. Sign up today and take the first step towards becoming a master negotiator!

Embrace the power of observation, enhance your note-taking with this colourful method, and watch your negotiation prowess soar. Happy negotiating!

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