Negotiation Techniques:

The Power of “It’s My Birthday” in Negotiations

EXTRACTED FROM PODCAST EPISODE 14 - Philip Brown & Fred Copestake

Negotiation is often thought of as a battle of logic and strategy, where facts, figures, and offers are meticulously crafted to win the day. However, Episode 14 of The Negotiation Podcast, featuring host Philip Brown and his friend Fred Copestake, offers a fresh perspective—sometimes, a simple, personal detail can turn the tide in your favour. In this episode, Philip recounts how, during a negotiation practice years ago, he casually mentioned that it was his birthday. To his surprise (and Fred’s shock), the mention led to Fred agreeing to something he likely wouldn’t have under normal circumstances!

This phenomenon isn’t just a fluke; it taps into deeper psychological principles that can be used to enhance your negotiation skills.

(Our 2 AI's share their thoughts on our podcast)
Review of Podcast 14 "The Birthday" Tactic

The Psychology Behind the “It’s My Birthday” Tactic


At its core, the success of this tactic hinges on several psychological principles that govern how people relate to each other.  But like any tool in your negotiation kit, there are both opportunities and risks when employing the “It’s My Birthday” tactic. Let’s break down why it works, how you can practice it effectively, and the potential pitfalls.

1. Reciprocity:

Human beings are naturally inclined to respond to personal gestures with kindness or generosity. When you share something personal—like the fact that it’s your birthday—it can trigger an unconscious need in the other party to reciprocate with a favourable response, such as a concession or agreement.

2. Mood Enhancement:

Birthdays are generally associated with positive emotions and celebrations. By mentioning it’s your birthday, you’re subtly shifting the emotional tone of the negotiation into a more positive and collaborative space. Research shows that people are more likely to make decisions favouring others when they’re in a good mood, making this an effective tool for softening hardline stances.

3. Humanisation:

Negotiations can often feel like cold, detached processes. However, by sharing a personal detail, you humanise yourself, fostering empathy and connection. When the other party sees you as more than just a counterpart in a transaction, they may become more inclined to work with you rather than against you.

4. Scarcity and Time Sensitivity:

Birthdays happen once a year, creating a sense of rarity and time sensitivity. In negotiation, any element of scarcity or urgency can influence decision-making. The other party may feel this is a special moment and that they should respond in kind by making an agreeable gesture.

Try the “It’s My Birthday” Card

For those in The Negotiation Club or anyone interested in sharpening their negotiation skills, the “It’s My Birthday” card is a fun and practical way to test the impact of personal details in negotiations.

Try introducing your birthday into a negotiation at different stages, observe the other party’s reaction, and reflect on how it influences the outcome.

Experiment with pairing this tactic with others, like Open Questions, Mirror Words, or The “F” Word, and see how it can shape the dynamics of your negotiations.

More Negotiation Techniques

More opportunities to discover Negotiation Skills, Tactics, Techniques and Strategies from 'The Negotiation Club Tactics Page'

How to Practice the “It’s My Birthday” Tactic


If you’re interested in exploring this tactic, it’s important to practice it in various contexts to understand how it can best be used. Here are a few ways to incorporate the “It’s My Birthday” tactic into your negotiation practice:

1. Try It at Different Points in the Negotiation:

Test the tactic at different stages—early on, in the middle, or toward the end of the negotiation. Using it at the start may create a warm, collaborative environment, while introducing it later could serve as a surprise factor, especially if tensions are rising. Pay attention to how the timing affects the other party’s reactions and the overall mood.

2. Use It to Move a Position:

If you feel stuck or at an impasse in a negotiation, casually mentioning it’s your birthday can serve as a way to break the deadlock. This shift in tone might be enough to move the other party toward reconsidering their stance. Practice introducing it when negotiations are at a standstill to see if it helps reignite momentum.

3. Build Empathy and Strengthen Relationships:

In negotiations where long-term relationships are key, using the birthday tactic can be a great way to create empathy and build rapport. It’s particularly effective in situations where you want to maintain or enhance the relationship for future dealings. However, it’s crucial that this comes across as authentic and not manipulative.

4. Gauge Emotional Reactions:

Pay close attention to how the other party reacts. Are they smiling or lightening up after hearing it’s your birthday? Or do they seem suspicious or uncomfortable? Using personal details in negotiations can be tricky, and this tactic provides an excellent opportunity to practice reading emotional and non-verbal cues.

Importance of Practicing at The Negotiation Club

Understanding the theory behind “It's My Birthday” is just the first step. Like any negotiation skill, its effective application requires practice. This is where negotiation clubs or practice groups can be invaluable so JOIN OUR CLUB TODAY (30 Day FREE Trial) :

1. Developing Intuition:

Repeated practice helps you develop a natural feel for when and how to build relationships, making it second nature.

2. Building Confidence:

Practicing in a safe environment boosts your confidence to employ these techniques in real-world situations.

3. Receiving Feedback:

Constructive feedback from peers and trainers helps refine your approach, ensuring you can build relationships effectively without compromising your negotiation goals.

4. Adapting to Situations:

Practice allows you to adapt your techniques to different scenarios and personalities, enhancing your flexibility and effectiveness.

The Risks of Using “It’s My Birthday”


While this tactic can work wonders when used properly, it’s not without its dangers. Here’s what to watch out for:

1. Perception of Manipulation:

There’s a fine line between building rapport and coming across as manipulative. If the other party feels that you’re using your birthday to gain an unfair advantage or emotional leverage, it could backfire. They might become distrustful, which could damage the relationship and derail the negotiation.

2. Diluting Professionalism:

While humanising the negotiation can be beneficial, there’s a risk of veering too far into casual territory, especially in more formal or high-stakes negotiations. Overuse of personal details may undermine the seriousness of the discussion and detract from your professional credibility.

3. Ineffectiveness with Certain Personalities:

Not everyone responds positively to personal information in a negotiation. Some negotiators—particularly those who favour logic over emotion—might find the tactic irrelevant or even irritating. It’s important to gauge the personality of your counterpart and adjust accordingly.

4. Overuse:

Just like any tactic, overusing this can make it lose its power. If you’re constantly mentioning your birthday (or any other personal detail) in every negotiation, it will start to feel rehearsed and inauthentic, diminishing its impact.


Combine Emotion with Strategy for Effective Negotiation

The “It’s My Birthday” tactic offers a unique way to personalise and humanise your negotiation, tapping into the psychology of reciprocity, emotion, and connection. However, the true power of this tactic lies in combining it with other strategic approaches like Open Questions, Anchoring, or the Charm Offensive to maximise its impact.

While this tactic can foster rapport and soften hardline positions, it must be used thoughtfully and sparingly to avoid coming across as manipulative or unprofessional. The key is to maintain authenticity and balance emotional appeal with logical reasoning and strong negotiation fundamentals.

Pairing “It’s My Birthday” with other tactics like Saying “No”, Summarising, or Building Relations allows you to harness both emotional and rational elements, giving you the flexibility to navigate various personalities and negotiation scenarios. Understanding when and how to introduce this personal element—and when to shift back to a more traditional strategy—is crucial for successful outcomes.

In the end, the “It’s My Birthday” tactic reminds us that negotiation is not just about hard numbers and rigid offers; it’s also about human connection, empathy, and emotional intelligence. By practicing this and other complementary tactics in negotiation exercises, you can develop a more nuanced and adaptable approach to securing favourable deals.

So, whether it’s your birthday or not, consider how a well-timed personal touch could enhance your next negotiation—and remember, sometimes the simplest details can make the biggest difference.


Take Action: Try the “It’s My Birthday” Card

For those in The Negotiation Club or anyone interested in sharpening their negotiation skills, the “It’s My Birthday” card is a fun and practical way to test the impact of personal details in negotiations. Try introducing your birthday into a negotiation at different stages, observe the other party’s reaction, and reflect on how it influences the outcome. Experiment with pairing this tactic with others, like Open Questions, Mirror Words, or The “F” Word, and see how it can shape the dynamics of your negotiations.


As always, balance is key—use this tactic authentically and in moderation to ensure it has the intended effect without compromising the integrity of the negotiation. Happy practicing!

Negotiation Tactics That Pair Well with “It’s My Birthday”


While the “It’s My Birthday” tactic introduces warmth and connection, it’s most effective when used in conjunction with other negotiation strategies. Here are some negotiation tactics that can complement or be influenced by this personal approach:


1. The “F” Word (Fairness)

Mentioning your birthday can create an expectation of reciprocity, and framing your requests around fairness can reinforce this. If you position your offers as “fair” in the context of the rapport you’ve built, it’s more likely to lead to concessions from the other party. The birthday mention softens the negotiation, allowing you to bring fairness to the forefront.

2. Pause, Consider, Respond

After introducing your birthday, take a moment to pause and observe the emotional shift in the other party. This allows you to evaluate their reaction before deciding how to proceed. By incorporating this Pause, Consider, Respond approach, you give yourself time to maintain control and carefully navigate the emotional shift your birthday mention may have created.

3. Mirror Words

If the other party responds positively to your birthday, mirror their language to build on that connection. For example, if they mention how “special” birthdays are, use that same language in your responses. Mirror Words is a subtle way to maintain rapport while steering the conversation toward agreement.

4. Open and Closed Questions

Pairing the birthday tactic with Open Questions can encourage the other party to share their thoughts and emotions. For example, you could ask, “How do you think we can make today’s discussion productive?” Once you’ve built that connection, switch to Closed Questions to clarify specifics, such as “Would you agree to this proposal?”

5. Build Relations

Your birthday is a perfect opportunity to practice the Build Relations tactic. By sharing a personal detail, you’re naturally opening the door to deeper connections and future collaborations. Use this moment to strengthen the relationship by focusing not just on the current negotiation but on the long-term partnership.

6. The “Charm” Offensive

The Charm Offensive tactic works brilliantly with the birthday approach. By mentioning your special day, you create a natural segue to charm the other party with humour, warmth, and likability. This disarming tactic can shift negotiations from combative to collaborative.

7. Anchor

Once you’ve softened the atmosphere with the birthday mention, it’s the perfect time to introduce an Anchor—a specific price or term that sets the reference point for further negotiation. The goodwill generated by your birthday can make your anchor seem more reasonable or acceptable to the other party.

8. Summarise

After lightening the tone with your birthday mention, use Summarising to bring the conversation back to the central issues. This ensures that while the negotiation may have taken on a more personal tone, you’re still driving it toward a professional conclusion.

9. Emotions

Birthdays naturally bring emotions into the negotiation, making it a great moment to leverage the Emotions tactic. Acknowledge the positive shift and use it to influence the negotiation toward a more agreeable outcome.

10. Saying “No”

If you need to reject an offer, the birthday can help soften the blow. You can introduce the “no” with a lighter tone, such as, “I’d love to say yes since it’s my birthday, but unfortunately, we can’t agree to those terms.” This keeps the rejection firm while maintaining a friendly, empathetic vibe.